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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Glimpse into Where We Are!

A word comes to mind Ochlocracy. It's sometimes said to be the eventual culminating characteristic of a democratic form of government. I'm hearing the words mob and mob rule more often. What an exciting time to be living! Why do I say this?

Here's another reason......I see our government gaining strength in it's ability to force it's decisions on the masses. Many intelligent, free thinking individuals claim that our current administration is quickly turning our government into a socialist, marxist regime. Based on what I see, I think the problem is much bigger than just an oncoming socialist, marxist government. What we are seeing is the rising of a wholestic ochlocratic system of government.

Wanting to control life and death should be a freedom that we never turn over to the hands of government. In no shape or form. This is one of the many dangers poised with the healthcare plan. What's worse is the act of government moving to silence those that don't support the legislation. Our government is asking us to turn in and hand over the names of individuals who don't agree with it's decisions. Why I ask?

Here's a quote from Foxnews.co

"The White House is in bit of a conundrum because of this privacy statute that prohibits the White House from collecting data and storing it on people who disagree with it," Judge Andrew Napolitano, a FOX News analyst, said Friday. "There's also a statute that requires the White House to retain all communications that it receives. It can't try to rewrite history by pretending it didn't receive anything," he said. "If the White House deletes anything, it violates one statute. If the White House collects data on the free speech, it violates another statute."

It's a serious time and at the same time a rather glorious time to be living in. To continue,......I read the Department of Homeland Security Report (DHS), on Right Wing Extremist. In it was an breakdown/list of individuals considered to be threats to our government. In the report, veterans were considered a threat. People who believed in the sanctity of live were considered a threat. People who followed or support only one simple cause were considered threats, along with a number of other various normal citizen profiles.

Most interesting item mentioned by the DHS report was of Prophets being possible threats to our current system of government. Why? Because much prophetic dialogue is available referenced to this peticuliar oncoming system of government. It's the government of the pale horse. Revelation 6:4

"In your patience possess ye your souls." Luke 21:19

Well I'm no prophet but I do know the one and only true prophet which is Jesus Christ. I know that God uses flesh however he chooses. He chose a man to write about this current system thousands of years ago. His name was Daniel the Prophet. Daniel wrote about ocher and the ochlocratic system of government. Ocher is the mixture of clay and iron. Ocher is also referred to as pale. It is also defined as money. I mean let's get a clue. Do you really think that one black man is behind the actions of our government. NO! I don't buy it for one minute. My father-in-law said something to me years ago. He said, "they waited till the Chamber of Commerce was bankrupt before they turned it over to me.

We as intelligent individuals know that it's always about the money.

Daniel stated that once this system of clay and iron was finally in place that would be the signal of the coming of the Rock Cut out Without Hands which would crush this system and all of man's systems it. The rock being Jesus's Christ's victory of all systems and God setting up his system of government. Read Daniel 2:32-35

I can see, and what I've discovered is that this pale, mixture of clay and iron, governmental system also signals the entering into the Day of the Lord. This is signaled by a 75% of mankind living a day on this earth. A day were God's Glory fills the earth. Remember one day with the Lord is as a thousand, and a thousand is as one day. Since the fall of mankind, no one has lived a day. The oldest man lived sightly over 900+ years. I believe that God is going to make an open show of his power over death. He's going to cause those who are willing to accept...the ability to live for a day. A day on the earth, in a physical body, while the pale horse rides.

When we read Revelation 6:7 the loosening of the fourth seal, the pale horse with the death rider and hell following. We are quickly made aware of the loss of 25% human life. I present another view and that is death and hell will be unable to touch 75% of mankind during the time the pale horse rider. Men will seek death and not be able to find it. This is why Jesus says that we must recieve heaven as children. Because 1000 years is really not a long time to he who is timeless. Through God's eyes eternal damnation isnt' a real long time. Not even for ever and ever.