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Thursday, November 26, 2009

When Hollywood Cringes...

I was reading a couple of blogs today and noticed an article stating that Angelina Jolie thinks Obama is a socialist. I guess motherhood has caused her to appreciate some of her father's views. I seem to remember Jon having similiar views of Obama. It's good to know that all of Hollywood hasn't adopted the views of the radical leftist.

With the media supporting the current administration, freedom and liberty is dangerously at stake. While we celebrate the many blessings God has bestowed on us during the holidays, Let's take a few minutes and thank him for living in a nation where we can come together and expell those who pervert righteousness. Thank him that this is still One Nation, Under God, With liberty and Justice for all. Thank him that we can still proclaim Jesus as the only true way into heaven. We should thank him that we live in a country where we don't have to submit to the religous views of others. Thank him for the right to choose whether or not we even want to submit to a doctor's recommendation.

We as a God Fearing nation must humble ourselves, come together and ask God for the healing of the greatest nation on earth. We don't need a President traveling from nation to nation appeasing those who have not our best interest at heart. And, contrary to what mr. president stated....we are not a muslim nation but a Christian Nation! We follow a God who controls the keys to life and death. No other people on the earth except for the followers of Jesus worship an individual to died and rose again. We serve a living God while they serve gods who are not gods and who are dead.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So The Spin Begins...

Main stream media has started the massive spin of Nidal Hasan’s murderously criminal rampage at Fort Hood last Thursday. Being ex-military I don't call Nidal a Major in the U.S. Army. Let me explain.....

I joined the U.S. Army in 1974. Nixon was promising to bring all the troops home from Vietnam. I felt like the possibility of another war soon was pretty slim. Granted, I wanted to serve my country but, my main goal was to travel, meet girls, get all the bennies........I didn't want to trade bullets with someone. If I would have wanted to do that, I would have stayed home. Actually, the reason I joined the military was in response to a dare from some friends. I wasn't thinking rationally at the time because I had been on a long binge of drinking, getting high and partying which lasted all the way up to about my second year in the military. I was half-way thru my permanemt duty station when I met my wife and was married. Marriage is a time when hearts are tender and I renewed some vows that I had made to God as well.

After my first born I began to sense God pulling at the reins of my heart again and turning me towards him. It's God's Love that draws men's hearts. Anyway.....I was confronted with a real dilema, raise a family or stay in the military. If I stay in the military, I may be called upon to kill people. Duh!

Maybe it's a different military now but, when I was in the service, ranking officials had no problem telling you that the main reason you where a part of God's Fine Army was to kill the enemies of the United States of America. And if we (The Army), wanted you to have a family, we would have issued you one when you enlisted. If you thought you were there for any other reason, you should have joined the Peace Corps. So, I did what a rational person would do. I completed my time, thanked Uncle Sam for the opportunity and the bennies, and went my way. God Bless Our Military!

I thank God for all the different individuals that he has allowed to cross my path during my lifetime. I've been fortunate to have been exposed to so many views and personality types. I remember during a basic law class the concept of rational thinking. This concept is the glue that holds most laws together. All our actions are judged based upon comparison with what a rational thinking individual would do in the same circumstance or situation. If Nidal Hasan didn't agree with the war effort, he should have simply left the military instead of going on a murderous criminal rampage at Fort Hood last Thursday. This cowardly disregard and dis-respect for human life is not rational and should be swiftly dealt with.

So now that we identify this type of behavior as irrational, what steps can be taken to irradicate it from the Our Great Country: One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice For All?

We need to develop psychological examinations profiling radical religious combatants and test the entire military force. What if some hair brain idiot is in a higher rank than "Major", with access to an even more destructive arsenal? Think how much carnage could be reaped.

Next we need to fortify U.S. Ports and Military Bases. This is a given! Our soldiers are our greatest assets contrary to what some General I recently heard speak, "Our diversity is our strongest strength".

Don't believe the lie! Diversity and homogenization has pushed our great country off track and toward the oncoming ochlocratic system we see rising from the earth. We as a nation need to humble ourselves, pray, seek God, turn from our wicked ways and God will heal our land.

Related Articles: Ft Hood Shooter liked the Tittie Bars, It's Not Islam, it's the Military's Fault
Everyone who knew should be question, Obama Sides with Muslims

Saturday, November 7, 2009

"The White House said President Barack Obama would attend a memorial service Tuesday at Fort Hood. Earlier Saturday, Obama said in his radio and Internet address that the training designed to keep U.S. forces safe abroad prevented further deaths and ended the rampage at Fort Hood.
Former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, visited wounded soldiers Friday night at the post hospital. On Saturday,..."

The above excerpt taken from:
MyWay News Nov 7, 3:37 PM (ET)By ANGELA K. BROWN

Here's a letter I wrote to the Senate:
Dear Senator,

I'm so glad that you have continued to write me from time to time. It's good to know that elected officials actually listen. I'm ex-military and am concerned about our dear men and women in the armed forces. Especially after the recent incident at Ft.Hood.

In my opinion the gravity of this incident should dictate that you really focus on it and subordinate any other activity that you are currently engaged in. We need increased security at our military bases immediately. I used to train security computer operators at nuclear sites. I think that our military should be entitled possess at the minimum equal to or greater than the same level security system. If enemies are able to infiltrate our military with this much ease, where does it stop? We must push back! At least steps in the right direction will help to deter.

We need to control ingress and egress. We should secure perimeters with e-fields and micro-waves. Prior to being able to carry a weapon at the nuclear site we also had to pass strict pyschological exams. This should be implemented in the military immediately with emphasis on identifing enemy combatant profiles.

If you want to make a real impact on the hearts of the American people you will stop everything and elevate this issue to the top of your agenda. You have my support and the support of what's right!

Thanks for your attention to this matter.
God Bless your efforts!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sarah Palin on the Oprah Show!

This is big news.....

Sarah Palin and Oprah Winfrey are meeting. Or, I should say, Sarah's doing "Oprah."
Just announced. The details:

"In a world exclusive, Oprah Winfrey will interview former Alaska governor Sarah Palin for an episode of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" to air Monday, Nov. 16, 2009. Winfrey and Palin will meet for the very first time on the episode, which will mark Palin's first interview to discuss her upcoming book, "Going Rogue: An American Life" and her first-ever appearance on the "Oprah" show.

Read Entire Story.....

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Not All Smart Folk are Intelligent!

I was talking to a guy I know who works as a pharmacist earlier today. I asked him what he thought about our country slowing morphing into socialism. He said, " I keep hearing that, what does all that mean? I really don't see what the big deal is."

Wake up everybody! Pray for America!

Let me post you a few recent tidbits going on in the world today.

The Russian Federation is considering the “first strike” option as part of a larger overhaul of military doctrine. The new doctrine, which is supposed to be presented to President Dmitry Medvedev later this year, is supposed to provide “flexible and timely” responses to national security threats. Read Entire Article

Here's one for the books....Let me get this straight! Hillary Clinton meet with Russian Diplomat to obtain support of sanctions against Iranian nuclear program but instead pee'd all over her self....saying stuff like,.....ya'll come on over to the U.S. and inspect everything in the house. We Americans don't have any definite thoughts of our own about anything. Depending on what you're thinking, we probably agree. It's just these third party individuals that we need to figure out how to deal with. What ever we can do to make you happy is fine.

"On another critical issue, Lavrov declared that it would be counterproductive to threaten Iran with more sanctions over its nuclear program — as he resisted efforts by Clinton to win agreement for tougher measures should Iran fail to prove its program is peaceful."
Read Entire Article....

After listening to hear speech, I started getting this strange feeling that this obscure third party entity she kept referring to is the america as we knew it. The america that doesn't want any part of all the global lies currently being fed to mankind like Jim Jones Kool-aid.

It's almost as if she was saying.....'Lookie here, If you can figure out a way for me to subjugate those who I represent and keep them under control, I'm all for it.

Yeap, this is one writer who looks at the whole picture. Check back for more!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Racist Attack Not Personal!

What follows is an article entitled: Activists protest Va. strip club's Obama banner

Sep 28, 3:16 PM (ET)By STEVE SZKOTAK

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Activists gathered outside a downtown strip club Monday to denounce as racist a banner depicting President Obama as the Joker from Batman.
"Not only is it an attack on the president, but also on all men and people of African descent," King Salim Khalfani, president of the Virginia NAACP, said of what he called "the abomination that's on the wall" outside Club Velvet.
Read Entire Article...

Contrary to the thinking of Salim Khalfani....all black men don't consider this an attack, nor do they feel the need of yet another mad, anger pimp mouthpiece. Salim believes in earnest that, "the beginning of wisdom is to know who you are!"

Real men know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of of wisdom: and knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunset at the North Pole

This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point, May 11, 2009.
A scene you will probably never get to see in person, so take a moment and enjoy God at work at the North Pole.

And, you also see the sun below the moon.
An amazing photo and not one easily duplicated. You may want to pass it on to others so they can enjoy it.

The Chinese have a saying that goes something like this:
'When someone shares with you something of value, you have an obligation to share it with others!I just did. Your turn.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting

Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting

Missourah Blog wrote this about the incident:
What I can tell is that a guy walking 10-20 feet ahead of us said to the guys in purple shirts (SEIU members, as I understand) "you attacked him!" and "you're going to jail!" The guy who said he was attacked (light brown short sleeve collared shirt) said he was just out there selling something (I think "Don't Tread on Me" flags).

One black conservative was seriously hurt outside the event.The Post-Dispatch reported:

St. Louis County police say six people were arrested. Two of those were arrested on suspicion of assault, one of resisting arrest and three on suspicion of committing peace disturbances. Carnahan was gone when the ruckus started.

Kenneth Gladney, a 38-year-old conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don't tread on me” printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room of the St. John's Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was waiting to be treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face that he suffered in the attack.

Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack started. “It just seems there's no freedom of speech without being attacked,” he said.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Farewell Michael Joe!

Once again time stopped as the world turned it's attention to the The Great Michael Jackson. I remember watching an interview of Michael years ago. This was when he was in his early twenties. Michael actually sang all the parts to a song that he was currently working on. It was amazing to watch and hear. He literally sang all the parts at one time. I'd never seen or heard anyone do something so impossible.
I remember when he first was introduced. Even then we kids could tell that he was special and a real music prodigy. The quarter parties didn't start til Michael's 45's were on the turn table. It was the same time we were listening to Marvin sing that he was too busy thinking about his baby and Stevie was singing about My Cherie Amour. Smokey was singing Baby, Baby Don't Cry and James was singing Mother Popcorn. Then along comes this youngster with all the pipes, licks and moves as seasoned professionals. It made us feel like anything in life was possible. We were like "Gone Mike!" "Way to go! Far Out!" It was a special time full of hope and magic.

I remember when I first heard the news that Michael wasn't breathing and that attempts were being made to resuscitate him. I thought to myself.....he's going to get a glimpse of heaven and decide not to descend back into the confinement of the earthen vessel again.

Michael possessed a special gift. He world was full of magic yet troubled with extreme pressures. While watching the memorial today, I noticed many who spoke at Michael's memorial were close friends who really loved him indeed. A few profiteers slipped in and filled their commentaries with I this, I that, When I, I, After I, I, I, I, I........

Michael's biggest foe was that he had become a world commodity. He demanded world attention and world attention is a very expensive commodity. Many felt that his money was theirs and his unmatched talent was an opportunity to gain instant wealth. We live in a world where it's the natural order to battle over resources. Michael was indeed a human resource and I'm sure the truth about the manipulation of him and his monies will never fully come to light.

Rest In Peace Mike....you're free!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sarah Palin and Embezzlement Scandal

I remember watching "Cheers" one evening. Woody's rich dumb girlfriend Kelly, had taken on a job at the bar. Kelly worked as a waitress for awhile but this episode, had decided to quit and was announcing her decision to the Cheers patrons. Norm was sad, Cliff was sad and Carla was distressed as well. The joke behind the news of Kelly quitting was brought to the surface by Carla who by the way, had convinced Kelly to turn over all of her tips on a daily basis. Woody's girlfriend was a cute chick and had increased Carla's tip intake considerably. Anyway, Carla turns to Norm and says, "Why are you so upset about her quitting? What's kind of scam do you have going?" Little did Carla know was that Norm had taught Kelly a special accounting system to keep up with his bar tab. He had instructed Kelly to deduct one for one each time he ordered a drink.

So why are so many countries outside the U.S. happy with our selection of president?

Remember the political saying, Loyal opposition? Where did it go? Where did the respect for public officials go? In the last election, I voted for the Democratic Presidential Candidate......what a big mistake. I'm embarrassed to say that my motivation to vote against the incumbent was flawed. That way of thinking put me in company with the most vile.

In life, I have always felt best when associated with those that were honorable, righteous individuals who displayed the attributes of champions. A real champion who loses a battle doesn't trash the White House but, will simply state that the better man or woman won this time around and I bid them much success and support.

I enjoy watching gladiators compete then afterward embrace each other with real sincerity. Though I disagreed with President Bush near the end of his administration, him and Mrs. Laura left office like a real champions. They even walked like Champions.

Now we see a group of individuals so vile, so inconsiderate so full of hate that there's no way they can hold the good of the American people as their main goal. If these are the types of individuals who support the current administration, I want no parts of any of it. I encourage all of you to take the time and conduct a little research. The information is easily available. One of the pro- Obama sites that I was reading, occasionally had posts appear on one of their site written in the German or Russian language. These are the same individuals who support open borders, immigration of illegals, socialized health care, and a global security system. One must wonder like Carla and ask these foreign countries, "What's in it for you?"

The site in the link rants and raves about Sarah Palin. They disrespect her intelligence, her speech, her children, her husband. Some of the comments spewed out are totally unacceptable. It's evident that the comments aren't initiated by someone who's interested in the betterment of The Great United States. I would venture to say that in this vast new information age, countries are launching specific attacks to offset and control and degrade our political system......

Let's continue to pray for the blessings of God on the United States and for our Leaders. Pray that God will grant them the wisdom to make the correct decisions.

In spite of what enemies of this great land and the mislead minority would have you believe, America was founded on economic freedom, free of expression, and freedom of religion. These freedoms are non-negotiable and if attacked will surely awaken the sleeping giant.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The intentional destruction of America

Posted: June 26, 20091:00 am Eastern
© 2009
It's time for Americans to consider a very scary possibility – that the president of the United States and the Congress are actually embarked on an intentional plan to destroy most everything that throughout history made the country great and unique.

Could it be that the sweeping, wholesale policy changes we have seen implemented and begun in the last six months are not just "mistakes" or the results of miscalculations? Could it be that the clear intent is to bring America down – and that those controlling America's political future know exactly what they are doing? Could it be that those holding the levers of power in Washington are not just ill-equipped for their jobs and making bad choices, but that they are determined to destroy America's economy and culture because they don't like it, never liked it and wish to see our nation operate more like the rest of the world?

Personally, I'm there. I've been there. There is not a doubt in my mind that people like Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the like just plain think differently than, say, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and James Madison – not to mention me.

The contrast in worldviews couldn't be any more striking.
The Founding Fathers, who gave us the greatest experiment in liberty the world has ever known did so by removing the shackles from the people and placing them on the government. They did so because they believed human beings are accountable ultimately to God, from whom our natural rights and responsibilities descended. They sought to strictly limit the powers of government, which had, just as they had throughout history and just as God told us they would in the book of Samuel, result in the oppression of the people.Meanwhile, what do Obama and company offer? They offer servitude to the state under the guise of "security."The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are being actively and openly dismantled as the guiding principles of American government. Sovereignty and independence?
We're told today by Obama and company that we live in an "interdependent" world and that we need to be accountable to "the community of nations." That's just a euphemism for dependence and life in an unaccountable global tyranny – where what you think is not nearly as important as what their elite friends think.

The rule of law? We're told today by Obama and company that the Constitution doesn't mean what it says. It's a "living document" that needs to be constantly reinterpreted in different times. That's not the rule of law. That's the rule of men – or, more precisely, the rule of high priests in black robes who are not accountable to either the will of the people or the rule of law.
Are your shackles being removed by Obama and company? Are you more or less free today than you were before the massive debt burden was placed on you and your descendants? Are you more of less prosperous? Ask yourself if government has been more empowered or less empowered by their actions? Is there any doubt?

Maybe most Americans don't realize this simple equation: That when government gains power, the people lose liberty. But there is not a doubt in my mind that Obama and company understand that principle very well – even if they don't articulate it openly.
What we are witnessing today is perhaps the greatest power grab in the history of America – where power is being taken from the people and usurped by government.

Are we to assume that this is the result of miscalculation or ignorance? That would be even more insulting to Obama and company than the simple recognition that they actually believe in what they are doing – that their actions are intentional, that they are actively and with forethought and planning dismantling the institutions and ideas that made American great and unique.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Know About The New World Order

Here's what you'll learn......

What the New World Order really is (it's absolutely NOT what you think).
Why the revolution is being scripted and manufactured, like a reality TV show.
How people resisting the New World Order are actually HELPING acheive the ultimate goal of the Illuminati...
Year-by-year estimates of the "perfect economic storm" impact between now and 2012.

More Info: Click Here!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm Black and I'm Taking My Vote Back

Are you a student of Bible prophecy who has discovered that the Bible teaches the planet will soon be under the control of the one-world government of the Antichrist before Jesus comes and institutes His one-world government? Do you believe the Bible teaches murdering our children is wrong and homosexuality destroys lives and that we should speak out against them? Do you feel the increasing immorality is fueling increasing crime, and wish to defend your children with a firearm? Do you love America and want to see it obey its own Constitution limiting federal power and enforcing its own immigration laws? Are you a military veteran who has bled for the freedom of your country?

If you can answer “yes” to just one of these, then you are now considered by America’s own Department of Homeland Security, to be a “domestic rightwing terrorist.”
Read Entire Article

The left is quick to claim that the report is only a memo and that there's no need for alarm. Well...I don't know about you but, I'm suspect of a government which turns it's focus away from the real threat of terrorism and instead directs it's attention toward law abiding, freedom loving, tax paying, God fearing, gun toting, citizens. I DEMAND MY VOTE BACK!!

So, you will see a change in the writing of my blogs as I bring attention to some of the obvious taking place in our current administration. I'm hereby classified as one of the Loyal Opposition. Hopefully our government has enough constitutional fiber remaining whereby I can legally present opposing viewpoints.

Read DHS Report