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Thursday, January 28, 2010

BlogCatalog - Palin and Fox

I was amazed with the type of responses received when I polled BlogCatalog with the question of Governor Palin taking the job at Fox News. Usually I can obtain a feel for public sentiment from the site. The tend to do a pretty good job filtering out the trolls. After reading a few responses, I've come to the conclusion that I still may be correct in my assessment of the Trojan Horse Theory. It's the old adage, "Keep you friends close but keep you enemies closer".

The majority of comments made at the site were positive about the position, believing it would afford her with important exposure. I'm often suspect at the opinion and the decisions made by the majority except when fleeing from some type of natural/national disaster. There's something about the mass consciousness's ability to be right on when in survival mode. Sadly, on many random insignificant issues where the outcome isn't obvious, I tend to question or not agree with the majority. Why? Because the little foxes eating grapes at the lower levels destroy the vine. (Song of Solomon 2:15)

For most of my life, I have been self-employed. My parents were self-employed. My grandparents were self-employed. I'm not against working for others but, I have always lived my life adhering to two basic principles in regards to working for others. 1. No one does anything for nuthin. 2. Don't trust anyone, especially the boss.

I myself interviewed for a job with a major firm yesterday. My prospective employer asked me if I wanted to ask any candid questions. I stated, "Do I have to put on a mussle and stay in the barn?"

I heard a joke yesterday that said, "You know it's gonna be a good day when you're eating you morning breakfast and you notice you're boss's face on the milk carton...lol...that's bad...lol

There's a tactic used in Pro Sports whereby organizations will hire players that they consider threats to the organization then bench them.

Consider Heisman Trophy Winner Andre Ware. He rarely got off the bench.

With all the back room deals and subversive tactics of this current administration, one can only hope that the new job works out good for Mrs. Palin. Personally, I feel that the White house is way to concerned with controlling the media. Such a thing I've never seen in my entire 55 years in America. Me thinks the media powers are way to controlling of public opinion. What happened to the concept of, "if it bleeds, it leads."

I also feel that Governor Palin should in no way subjugate herself to McCain for the good of the GOP. It appears to me that they don't have her best interest at heart. I wouldn't trust them a bit.

My advice, don't let them offer you a ton of money and then bench you. But, who am I but just another dummy who voted cause Obama looked black.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Don't Want to Piss Off any Blacks!

Here's an excerpt from one of the top stories of the day:

A conservative media analyst says the mainstream media will once again be demonstrating its bias if it quickly ends its coverage of Harry Reid's controversial race remarks like the White House wants.

The new book Game Change recounts how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) in 2008 described then presidential candidate Barack Obama as a "light-skinned" black American with "no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

Reid issued a statement Saturday, saying: "I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words. I sincerely apologize for offending any and all Americans, especially African-Americans, for my improper comments."

Read Entire Article....

I think it's funny that mainstream media are being urged to give this story the cobash. I thought media's main premise was "If it bleeds it leads!" and "Who cares about truth, make sure you spell the names correctly!"

My Spider senses are telling me that the media wants to kill the story before people wake-up and realize that it's the truth. Who cares about truth? We have a black president.

Immediately after the election of America's first President that appeared to bear the resemblence of a black american, I noticed how many foreigners were so happy for us. It reminded me of a couple of old saying that I learned as a child.

1. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Obama started immediately apoligizing for American, invention, ingenuity, pride, fortitude, ect... These are benchmarks on which our country is founded on. Obama at one time stated that our nation is not a christian nation while attempting to appease Turkey. Like Global warming, the christian heritage of our nation is without debate.

2. "No one does anything for nothing". Where do you thing all the free stimulus money is coming from. We're not taking it from the folks who we're fighting over oil with. We're not demanding it from the countries loading us down with illegal immigrants.

Now as time has elapsed, we see Obama increasing ties with muslim religion and socialist ideologies. More than ever we need to pray for America. Pray that America doesn't follow the path of many past civilizations who failed because of trusting in men rather than God.